Are you widowed?
How did you hear about First Light?
Share your story (for widowed subscribers)
This information must be provided by widowed people wishing to attend our events, join our online support group and be added to our widowed e-newsletter lists.
It helps us to protect our widowed members by ensuring that only genuinely widowed people are given access to our programs and resources. Any information you provide will be kept private and confidential.
Your age when you were widowed
Your relationship status immediately prior to being widowed
Your partner/spouse's full name
Your partner/spouse's date of death
Cause of death
Do you have children? Please choose all that are applicable
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Providing the following data helps us to ensure that First Light is accessible for people from all backgrounds and circumstances. Each question is optional, however, your responses help us to understand more about the community we are supporting and assist with planning and developing resources and programs to met our membership needs.
Your year of birth
How do you describe your gender identity?
Do you identify as a member of the LGBTIQA+ community? 
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Is English your second language?
Would you like to help and be involved?
Are you interested in volunteering in any of the following areas?
Do you have any skills, expertise or talents that may assist our organisation, that you are willing to volunteer?