Camp Widow® Australia 2024 presenter application
Please share your story with us
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your late spouse/partner, including their name, how long you have been widowed, cause of death, your age when widowed and any other information you would like us to know. *
Presentation/workshop details
Does your presentation require the use of a projector and screen? *
Is your topic better suited to a 75 minute or 90 minutes session? *
Title of proposed presentation? *
Please provide an outline of your proposed presentation/workshop, including the amount of time spent on each item or activity. *
Explain three specific practical concepts or skills that participants should expect to take away for the presentation. *
Identify potential challenges associated with your presentation, and how you might address them. *
Please list recent examples of your presentation history on this topic. *
Please include speaking engagements, published articles, written material, videos on YouTube or social media, etc. If preferred details can be emailed to
Are there any other topics you would be prepared to present? *
Would you be interested in participating in one of our panel discussion?
Prior topics have included dating after loss, widowed with children and love after loss.
Additional details
Is there anything else you would like us to know or additional information to support your application?
Would you be interested in participating in First Light programs outside of Camp Widow?
Specifically, we are looking to develop an online series, for which we will be seeking a variety of topics and presenters. If you are comfortable presenting virtually, please let us know so we know to reach out to you regarding upcoming opportunities.

We are always looking for interviewees for
Widow Talk - a library of video conversations by widowed people, for widowed people. Please let us know if this is something you may be interested in.
Which of the following presenter benefits are you planning to take advantage of?

Please provide specific details, including any organisation or program that you would plan to promote.
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